Customer: Daimler AG
Area: Automotive / R&D
Requirements: Endurance test of commercial vehicle fleet in 24/7 operation, approx. 100 GB data/day
Implementation: measX software X-Frame, ASAM-ODS database
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Customer: DEUTZ AG
Area: Automotive industry / production
Requirements: End-of-Line test for 200,000 DEUTZ engines/year
Implementation: measX software X-Frame in connection with the DataFinder Server Edition from National Instruments
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Customer: DEUTZ AG
Area: Automotive industry / R&D
Requirements: Data management for over 60 engine test benches, roughly 50,000 tests per year
Implementation: measX software X-Frame in connection with the DataFinder Server Edition from National Instruments
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Customer: Bosch, DS/NE-Engineering Diesel Systems (DS) division in Stuttgart-Feuerbach
Area: Diesel engines
Requirements: Data management for 17 engine test benches and 4 roller dynamometers
Implementation: measX software X-Frame in connection with the DataFinder Server Edition from National Instruments
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Customer: Audi AG
Area: Automotive / R&D
Requirements: Expanded data analysis on a shock absorber test bench with temperature chamber
Implementation: measX software X-Frame in connection with an Athos ASAM server
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